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Paree Yegak - "Welcome"


Our Church
Need Services?


If you would like to speak with

Fr. Sahak, please contact him at

414-745-6264 (mobile) or (email).

Sub-Deacon Armen's 

number is



Liturgy is held

the first Sunday

of each month at 10am. 


Holy Sacraments Celebrated



Our church offers a traditional setting

for your most sacred celebrations.  

Consider Holy Resurrection for home blessings, marriages, funerals and more.

Save the Dates!

May 31st and June 1st, 2025

Celebrate our 100th Anniversary

With Us! 

​Click HERE for More Info

Centennial Christmas

On the first Sunday of January 2025, Soorp Harotune/Holy Resurrection will celebrate its 100th Christmas. The church was consecrated in October 1924, the first Christmas was January 1925. Descendants from the first worshipers will be in attendance, second, third, fourth and even fifth generations will be there. In addition to that, there is growth from new people.


Most of our new parishioners are people who have visited our church, heard the message of the Armenian Church and decided to stay. Perhaps they may have married an Armenian, befriended, or just found a spiritual home at 909 Michigan Avenue. I can only imagine that 1925 Christmas here, thousands of miles away from what was familiar and for some, this may have been their first Christmas in their memory. But they built a church for the lost, the heartbroken and named it Holy Resurrection. They knew that like the hope of Christ’s resurrection, they and the next followers from wherever they may be, would be able to share God’s Word that day and for a long time.


Please be a part of this historic event,

Sub Deacon Armen Hadjinian



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